iikonz The Upskilling Academy

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We are lured by the magic of stories right from childhood. We may forget the first academic lesson learnt in school but we never forget the stories our parents or teachers narrated to us. We can still connect to how they made us feel, the morals they taught us. That’s the power of stories and storytelling!

Harness the Power of Storytelling

There’s a storyteller hidden in all of us whether we realize it or not. Many of us have, at some point or other, toyed with the idea of writing a book, a play, or a script—to tell a story that entertains, influences, and moves the audience. We at iikonz believe it’s never too late to explore that creative urge in you. Our STAGE-A-STORY Online Storytelling Event provides a platform to budding storytellers, creative story writers and story makers to create and narrate their stories. This platform not only enables you to hone your story writing and drama skills, but also your communication and public skills.

iikonz Storytelling Workshops


One Day Certified STELLAR Storytelling Workshop

STELLAR Stand For –SSkill-building: Develop and enhance your storytelling skills, techniques, and audience engagement.

TTransformative: Transform the way you communicate, connect, and inspire through storytelling.

EEmpowering: Become a more confident and effective storyteller to build trust and convey your message with impact.

LLearning-rich: Engage in an immersive learning experience with experts, interactive activities, and feedback.

LLife-changing: Gain new insights, perspectives, and skills to transform your life through the power of storytelling.

AActionable: Learn practical techniques and strategies to apply immediately to your work and personal life.

RResults-oriented: Achieve your goals by becoming a more effective communicator, boosting your confidence, and inspiring others through storytelling.
Who is this for?
  • Parents 
  • Teachers
  • Coaches/ Trainers
  • Professionals
  • Anyone passionate about storytelling/ stories
You can also upgrade to our Certified Storyteller Program

Highlights of Storytelling Workshop:

Beginner Level
Learn Through Activities
Certificate of Participation
Upgrade to Full Course

STAGE-A-STORY- Online Storytelling Event

This storytelling series is designed to encourage and appreciate budding storytellers, creative story writers and enthusiast story makers from all walks of life. 

STAGE-A-STORY is a FREE event and is open to everyone.*

Overview of the Event

iikonz’ STAGE-A-STORY Online Storytelling Event is for everyone who loves stories, be it listening or sharing. Through this exploratory series we seek to engage people from all walks of life in the fine art of storytelling. This platform provides support and encouragement to budding, enthusiastic storytellers, creative story writers and story makers to share their own stories. Feedback will be provided to all participants who perform in the event.

*We conduct the STAGE-A-Story event once every month. Interested candidates can send their requests to our mail id in**@ii****.com. You can follow our Facebook page Kadhaikalam Vaanga- The Storyteller’s Platform for updates about the event.